• In depth, yet concise commentary on the old and new testament. Each Chapter on one page with lessons to ponder.

    Dr. Wing Hong Seto

  • Explanation of Prophecies in the Bible concerning the end times and the second coming of Christ.

  • Affirming truths showing the accuracy of God's words as revealed in the holy land.

  • Amazing details in the Scripture that become evident and harmonizing with other passages when they are carefully studied.

  • Helps new comers to understand and live the gospel truth, and to grow steadfastly in Christ.

  •      News And Views

人工智能(AI) 係現今全球炙手可熱的話題,聖經究竟有冇提及AI ?同基督門徒又有乜關係?

4月30日晚上 及 5月1日

主題: 《人工智能與上帝-人工智能時代的門徒訓練》
報名連結: https://www.dconf.hk

想知多啲Al係乜?快啲睇吓 鄭詩哲博士 專為你哋而設嘅教學短片 (每條3-5分鐘)
AI Tutorial 1
AI Tutorial 2
AI Tutorial 3
AI Tutorial 4

Bible Commentary

In depth, yet concise commentary on the old and new testament. Each Chapter on one page with lessons to ponder.

Bible Prophecy

Explanation of Prophecies in the Bible concerning the end times and the second coming of Christ.

Bible Affirming Truth

Affirming truths showing the accuracy of God's words as revealed in the holy land.

Phenomenon of Amazing Detail

Amazing details in the Scripture that become evident and harmonizing with other passages when they are carefully studied.

Follow Up

The one page that help Christians to grow in Christ.

News and Views

News and views
with talks at Discipleship Conferences