Prophecy Study Video Trip

You will start from Tel Aviv International Airport. It will lead you to the 2018 Holy Land Prophecy Tour ( 70 years of Israel’s restoration ). In the next 15 minutes, you will travel around Israel, visiting important biblical records, historical places, current archaeological sites, and related information.
旅程始於特拉維夫國際機場,它將帶領你進入2018聖地預言之旅「同年為以色列復國70年。」 你將會遊歷以色列,參觀聖經記載地方,現時的遺跡,及相關考古資料。

參考經文 Bible Verses for Reference
背景研經及靈修 Background Study and Personal Devotion
紅色經文已寫有一頁聖經資料 (One-page Bible Commentary in
第一日 Day 1創世記 Genesis 23:1-20; 49:29-33; 50:1-14
(亞伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的埋葬地 Burial place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
第二日 Day 2列王記上 1Kings 18
(在迦密山上以利亞和巴力的450個先知 Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel)
第三日 Day 3士師記 Judges 4; 路加福音 Luke 9:18-36
(在他泊山底波拉和巴拉戰勝迦南軍長西西拉,耶穌登山變像 Deborah and Barak’s victory over Sisera, and the transfiguration of Jesus at Mt Tabor)
第四日 Day 4*馬太福音 Matthew 11: 20-25; 詩篇 Psalms 133
(*耶穌咒詛不悔改的城市, 包括迦百農、伯賽大、哥拉汛; 黑門山的甘露 *Jesus’ curse on the unrepentant cities including Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum; the dew of Mt Hermon)
第五日 Day 5*馬太福音 Matthew 5-7; 14:13-21; 15:29-39
(*耶穌的登山寶訓(包括太5:1-12的八福)及餵飽四千和五千人的两個神蹟 *Jesus’ Sermon on the Mt (including Beatitudes in Mt5:1-12) and 2 miracles of feeding 4000 and 5000 peoples)
第六日 Day 6創世記 Genesis 19; *申命記 Deuteronomy 34:1-5; 以賽亞書 Isaiah 34 & 63
(古代瑣珥地羅得所住的洞和他妻子所變成的鹽柱; *尼波山上摩西看到應許之地,耶穌再來時到波斯拉 Lot’s Cave and Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt near ancient Zoar; *Moses’ seeing the promised land from Mount Nebo; Future coming of Jesus to Bozrah)
第七日 Day 7民數記 Numbers 20:18-21; 列王記下 2Kings 14:3-7; 以賽亞書 Isaiah 34:5-8; 耶利米書 Jeremiah 49:16-18
(以東地的西拉(可能就是約旦的佩特拉) Sela (possibly Petra in Jordan) in the land of Edom)
第八日 Day 8出埃及記 Exodus 25 – 30
(以色列人建造會幕 Israelites constructed the Tabernacle)
第九日 Day 9撒母耳記上 1 Samuel 24
(大衛在隱基底逃避掃羅 David’s hiding from Saul at Ein Gedi)
第十日 Day 10路加福音 Luke 2:1-20; 19:1-10; 馬太福音 Matthew 4:1-11; 約翰福音 John 11:1-45
(耶穌在伯利恆降生,在曠野受魔鬼試探,在耶利哥遇見撒該,和在伯大尼使拉撒路從死裹復活 Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem, His temptation by the devil in the wilderness, His encounter with Zacchaeus at Jericho and His raising of Lazarus from the death at Bethany)
第十一日 Day 11路加福音 Luke 19 – 23; *馬可福音 Mark 11: 15-18; *歷代志下 2 Chronicles 6:3-4; 32-33
(耶穌在耶路撒冷最後一星期和受苦,衪的潔淨聖殿,外邦人到哭牆祈禱的祝福 Jesus’ last week and suffering in Jerusalem; *His cleansing of the Temple; *blessing for the Gentiles praying at the wailing wall)
第十二日 Day 12歷代志下 2Chronicles 32; 路加福音 Luke 19:41-44; 22:39-53
(希西加在亞述王西拿基立進逼耶路撒冷時所建的引水管道,*耶穌為耶路撒冷哀哭,衪在橄欖山的園子祈禱和被捕 Hezekiah’s building of water tunnel against threat of Assyrian King Sennacherib against Jerusalem; *Jesus’ weeping for Jerusalem; His prayer and arrest in the Garden on Mt Olives)
第十三日 Day 13詩篇 120-134 (和合本) : 上行之詩 Psalms 120-134 : Songs of Ascent

Day 1 (29/10 一) 特拉維夫、希伯倫、猶大地

Arrive at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport at 7:10am (CX675). Travel to Lachish (Joshua10, 2King14:19, 18:14&17….. Micah1:13). Continue to Hebron, visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs (The Cave of Machpelah: burial place of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob) and to the Valley of Elah (Battle field of David and Goliath in 1Sam17:2). Stop at Tel Beth Shemesh, overlooking the Sorek Valley, where the Ark was returned from the Philistines (1Sam6). From here we can see Tel Zorah, the home of Samson (Judges13:24-25). After lunch, visit the Israel College of the Bible in Netanya and meet with members of the faculty and the media staff. Check into hotel in Netanya, next to the beautiful Mediterranean. Buffet dinner at hotel.
乘搭國泰CX675班機早上7:10am分飛抵以色列特拉維夫國際機場,小休及團體照後即乘坐大型豪華旅遊巴士前往以色列南部猶太山地,位於地中海與希伯倫山之間的近東荒廢古城拉吉(書10, 王下14:19, 18:14&17… 彌1:13),解說它的興衰,觀望及回想昔日約書亞與亞摩利五王爭戰之地,當時上帝令日頭停留,月亮止住約一日之久。之後東行約35公里往約旦河西岸南端希伯倫,參觀與第一聖殿同期建築之列祖亞伯拉罕、以撤、雅各葬地麥比拉洞(創23:19-20, 25:7-10),再向西北走約半小時到大衛打敗哥利亞位於伯利恆以西約30公里的戰場以拉谷(撒上17:2),然後在附近的伯示麥廢墟觀看菲利士人歸還約櫃的梭烈谷(撒上6),在那裏我們可以看到參孫的家鄉瑣拉(士13:24-25)。午餐後乘車前往內坦亞以色列聖經學院參觀,與本為世仇但因耶穌成為主內弟兄姊妹的猶太人和阿拉伯人見面,了解他們的事工。之後入住位處地中海旁的酒店,休息及享受地中海迷人日落景色,晚上在酒店享受豐富美味的自助餐。

夜宿內坦亞 Medi Terre Hotel, Netanya

Day 2 (30/10 二) 內坦亞、凱撒利亞、迦密山、米吉多

Breakfast in hotel. Visit the ruined Roman coastal city Caesarea: aqueducts, hippodrome, theater & Crusader city; Go up to Mt Carmel to view Mukhraka (where Elijah faced 450 prophets of Baal (1King18:19)) and Armageddon (Rev16:16); Explore Tel Megiddo (Josh17:11) with its 27 archaeological layers. Return to Netanya for the night.
酒店早餐後乘車前往羅馬時代以色列猶大首都該撒利亞,參觀於1966年出土遺址: 遠程輸水橋、羅馬競技場、劇場和十字軍城;再上迦密山觀看以利亞大戰450位巴力先知的平坦山崗穆赫拉卡 (王上18:19),遙望末日戰場哈米吉多頓 (啟16:16),之後探索有27層考古遺跡的米吉多廢墟(書17:11)。

夜宿內坦亞 Medi Terre Hotel, Netanya

Day 3 (31/10 三) 耶斯列平原、加利利

Travel to Jezreel Valley, continue to Nazareth; the Annunciation Basilica (Lk1:26-38), the “carpenter’s shop” under St Joseph’s Church; Old Synagogue where Jesus grew up and Mt Precipice (Lk4:29-30); We’ll tour and have lunch at Nazareth Village. Stop in Cana (Jn2:1-11, 4:46, 21:2). We’ll pass the Crusader battlefield at the Horns of Hattin, an extinct volcano crater, on our way to Mt. Arbel, where Jesus gave the Great Commission. On a clear day there is a wonderful view of Galilee & Mt Hermon.
乘車前往耶斯列平原,之後去加利利拿撒勒,參觀天使報喜堂(路1:26-38),思想上帝宣告救恩的來臨。再去聖若瑟堂地下的木匠店,和主耶穌長大的老會堂。再去跳崖山(路4:29-30); 參觀拿撒勒集古村及在村內午餐,再到耶稣水變洒的迦拿(約2:1-11, 4:46, 21:2)。我們會經過十字軍東征的戰場,位於兩個死火山口的哈丁角;之後到耶穌頒布大使命的亞伯山,在那裏可以遠望加利利和黑門山的壯所景色。

夜宿加利利湖東岸艾因蓋夫猶太人集體農場區渡假村 Ein Gev Kibbutz Holiday Resort, Galilee east shore

Day 4 (1/11 四) 加利利

Travel to Chorazin (one of the 3 cities which Jesus rebuked, Lk10:13-15), Tel Dan (Judges18) and Caesarea Philippi (Mt16:13, Mk8:27) in Banias. Ascend Mt Hermon as we travel along the Syrian border, go to Golan Heights for lunch. If time allows, we’ll stop at Bethsaida, another of the 3 cities that Jesus rebuked.
往主耶穌咒詛的三個城市之一的哥拉迅(路10:13-15),廢墟,在班尼亞斯的該撒利亞腓立比,就是彼得認耶稣是永生神兒子的地方(太16:13,可8:27), 再上靠近敘利亞邊境的黑門山,往哥蘭高地,午餐後若時間許可,到主耶穌咒詛另的一個城市伯賽大

夜宿加利利湖東岸艾因蓋夫猶太人集體農場區渡假村 Ein Gev Kibbutz Holiday Resort, Galilee east shore

Day 5 (2/11 五) 加利利、約旦安曼

Visit sites related to Jesus’ ministry: pass where Jesus fed 4,000 (Mt15:29-39). Capernaum: Old Synagogue ruled by Jairus (Lk4:16-2, 18:41) and House of Peter (Mt8:14); Mt Beatitudes where Jesus delivered His Sermon on the Mount (Mt5:1); Multiplication Church where Jesus fed 5,000 (Mt14:13-21); Tabgha: Mensa Christi (Peter’s Primacy Church, Jn21) where Jesus reminded Peter to feed His sheep; Visit Yigal Allon Museum to view the 1st century Galilee fishing boat; Boat Ride on the Sea of Galilee. Enjoy a St. Peter’s Fish lunch. Ascend Mt. Tabor for an amazing view; we’ll remember Deborah and Barak’s victory over Sisera (Judges4) and the transfiguration of Jesus. Pass Nain and Mt Gilboa on the way to Beit She’an (Joshua17:11), one of the Decapolis cities. Enter Jordon via Sheikh Hussein Bridge, travel to Amman, the capital.
往主耶穌在加利利傳道的地方,經過餵飽四千人的山坡(太15:29-39),迦百農睚魯主管的古代猶太會堂(路4:16-21, 18:41)及彼得家,之後登上八福山八福堂,感受耶穌向世人傳講八種有福的確據(太5:1)。到紀念耶穌餵飽五千人的五餅二魚堂(太14:13-21),再往位於塔加,耶穌吩咐彼得餵養衪的羊的彼得受職堂(約21章),之後前往位於加利利湖西北岸城市吉諾撒的以加爾‧亞隆博物館參觀使用於一世紀的漁船,並乘坐仿古木船加利利海敬拜分享,彼得魚午餐後登止他泊山頂,遠眺加利利至耶斯列平原一帶,景色盡入眼簾,在那裏我們可以記起先知底波拉巴拉戰勝西西拉(士4)及耶穌登山變像。經過拿因基利波山(撒上31:1-8),再往位於約但河耶列斯谷交界之瑪拿西族分地城邑,底加波里城市伯善(書17:11)考察,後經錫克胡辛橋過境到約旦首都安曼

夜宿約旦首都安曼 Sadeen Hotel, Amman Jordan

Day 6 (3/11 六) 尼波山、米底巴、波斯拉

Visit Mt Nebo from which Moses viewed the Promised Land (Deut32:49, 34:1) and the Brazen Serpent Monument. Stop at Madaba: 6th century mosaic Jerusalem map in St George Church. Explore the fortified hilltop palace of Machaerus where John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded in 32AD (Mt14:8, Mk6:24). Visit Lot’s Cave in ancient Zoar near where Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt. Stop at Sela (Judges1:36, 2Kings14:7, Isaiah16:1, 42:11) and Buseirah (Bozrah) (Isa34:6, 63:1, Jer48:24, 49:13 &22, Amos1:12, Micah2:12), the hiding place of God’s remnants in end-time.
往摩西遙望應許地的尼波山(申32:49, 34:1)遠眺死海,參觀為紀念摩西而建的銅蛇雕塑;往米底巴的聖佐治教堂欣賞最古老最大馬賽克耶路撒冷地圖砌磗。然後到主後32年希律斬下施洗約翰頭顱的馬蓋可斯堡(太14:8,可6:24)。到瑣耳羅得躲藏洞,就是羅得妻子轉身觀看變成鹽柱的地方,其後前往西拉(士師記1:36, 王下14:7, 賽16:1, 42:11)及波斯拉(賽34:6, 63:1, 耶48:24, 49:13&22, 摩1:12, 彌2:12)看上帝預言餘民在末世的避難所。

夜宿佩特拉古城 Grand View Hotel, Petra

Day 7 (4/11 日) 佩特拉、月谷

Tour fabulous Petra, the ancient capital of the Nabataean Empire; lunch in Wadi Musa (Moses Valley) Bedouin Village. Explore Wadi Rum (Moon Valley) by Jeep Tour. Cross border to Israel’s south Red Sea city Eilat.

夜宿紅海城市伊拉特 (Leonardo) Royal Resort, Eilat

Day 8 (5/11 一) 以色列南地

Enjoy a morning relaxing by the Red Sea. Travel north along the Arava Valley to Timna to visit the model of the Tabernacle. Continue north, with lunch en route, to the hotel on the Dead Sea.

夜宿死海五星級酒店 Leonardo Plaza Hotel, Dead Sea

Day 9 (6/11 二) 隱基底、死海

Hike Ein Gedi where David hid from Saul (ISam23:29, 24:1). Enjoy the rest of the afternoon floating on salted water in hotel pool or Dead Sea and enjoy the precious natural Dead Sea mud.

夜宿死海五星級酒店 Leonardo Plaza Hotel, Dead Sea

Day 10 (7/11 三) 死海 --- 耶路撒冷

Visit Qumran (the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947, the life of Essenes). Continue to Qasr El Yahud (“Castle of the Jews”) at the northern shore of the Dead Sea where the Jordan River enters, the traditional site of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan Valley (Mt 3:13-17), where the Israelites crosses the Jordan River and Elijah ascended to Heaven. Lunch in Jericho (where we’ll also view a Sycamore tree and the traditional Mt of Temptation, as well as the Tel (mound) of ancient Jericho). If time permits, stop in the wilderness between Jerusalem and Jericho, setting of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Stop at Bethany (Mt 26:6, Mk 14:3) home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus and visit his traditional tomb. Continue to Bethlehem where we’ll visit Shepherd’s Field, Manger Square, Nativity Church, St Catherine Church and Jerome Cells. Optional evening (on your own): the renowned shopping area Ben Yehuda Street.

夜宿耶路撒冷 Leonardo Boutique Hotel, Jerusalem

Day 11 (8/11 四) 耶路撒冷

Temple Mt, tour Western Wall, Western Wall Tunnel, Bethesda Pools and St Anne Church. From St Stephen’s Gate, walk the Via Dolorosa, stop at the “pavement” in the Sisters of Zion Convent, end at Holy Sepulchre. Lunch in the Armenian Quarter. Mt Zion David’s Tomb Compound: Cenacle (Upper Room) (Breaking of Bread 2), Gallicantu (cock’s crow) (Mk14:30) where Peter denied the Lord 3 times. Visit the Israel Museum (Dead Sea Scrolls, scale model of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time) and (if time permits), “Second-timers” who have already visited the Israel Museum can choose to go to the Bible Lands Museum instead. Stop outside the Israeli Knesset for a group photo by the Menorah.

夜宿耶路撒冷 Leonardo Boutique Hotel, Jerusalem

Day 12 (9/11 五) 耶路撒冷

Tour the City of David, explore the 533m long, almost flat Hezekiah’s Tunnel (2Kings 20:20, 2Chron 32:2-4,30, Isa22:11, also known as Canaanite Tunnel, Siloam Tunnel), from Gihon Spring to the Siloam Pool. Option: for those who don’t want to tour the City of David, visit the Temple Institute, and spend time in the Jewish Quarter instead. The group will meet again at Robinson’s Arch, to tour the Southwall Excavations and the Davidson Center, followed by lunch. We’ll ascend Mt Scopus (Nob) and then continue to Mt of Olives: Church of Ascension; Pater Noster (the Lord’s Prayer) Church; Dominus Flevit (Jesus wept for Jerusalem, Lk19:41-44,; walk down along Palm Sunday Road towards Gethsemane and Church of all Nations; end in Jerusalem with a tour at the Garden Tomb.
大衛城,行希西家水道(王下20:20, 代下32:2-4,30, 賽22:11)至西羅亞池,不行水道的可以去聖殿學院,在猶太人區遊覽,再在羅便臣拱門集合,參觀南城牆之挖掘和大衛城。午餐後往北面5公里的斯科普斯山,向東面過汲淪谷上一公里外的橄欖山觀賞老城壯麗景色,參觀基督升天堂主禱文堂,沿棕樹主日路步行至主哭耶京堂,回想耶穌為耶路撒冷哀哭的情景(路19:41-44),往客西馬尼園萬國教堂。後到花園塚

夜宿耶路撒冷 Leonardo Boutique Hotel, Jerusalem

Videos will be uploaded soon.